Aber ich habe (doch) eigentlich gearbeitet

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Indem er dem Lehrer eine Banane gab, sicherte sich der Student eine gute Note. Ich hoffe, dass du dich trotzdem darüber freust.

In grammar terms trotzdem is an adverb, obwohl is a subordinating conjunction. In the summer, I have lots of time on the weekend. Trotzdem würde Ich es emphelen Ich habe versucht enige sätze zu ubersetzen trotzdem kann Ich nicht gut deutsch sprechen.

aber translation English - The sun is not very big, but it is hot. Change the sentence and it's context, these connotations might blur away.

Which one would be used more frequently. Both sentences have exactly the same meaning. For my understanding the different word order does even not carry a different undertone of whatever. However, the decision where to put the aber makes a difference in terms of rhythm, and so depending on the context you may prefer the one or the other version. More examples, for testing: a Er ist zwar alt, aber er ist noch ganz gut beieinander. I do not see a difference in meaning. Now, one may argue that the above examples are different from the example in the original aber ich as the original uses kann. So let's test it especially for sentences with kann: a Ich kann den Felgabschwung, aber ich kann keinen Felgaufschwung. I still do not see a difference in meaning. Well, there is a huge difference from a grammatical point of view. Now aber ich might not seem too important because they indeed seem to express a rather similar notion not an identical one though. And there then lies the difference in meaning. Your first example stresses that you can dance wellwhile your second example stresses that instead of singing you can dance. You could probably illustrate the subtle difference this way: a Ich kann nicht singen, ich kann aber tanzen I can't sing but I really can dance. I do not aggree with your opinion regarding different meaning of the two sentences. In my German-speaking environment at least, such different meaning would by no way be seen or felt by anybody. If you feel a difference there, I suppose this is your very personal interpretation. It should not be used as a recommendation for those who try to learn German. Of course, there may be strata of society with special sensitivity to such word order variations. Please, would you have a look at the other examples I posted in my actual answer on this page and check if you see a difference there as well. I would suppose you cannot hold up your argument with other examples, but let's see. Provide details and share your research. To learn more, see our.

Ich hab's richtig aber ich hab's falsch
Have you considered writing a book? Trotzdem würde Ich es emphelen Ich habe versucht enige sätze zu ubersetzen trotzdem kann Ich nicht gut deutsch sprechen. In German, we have more options. Ich bin kein Professor für Philosophie, habe jedoch 30 Semester Philosophie studiert. I find them superfluous… at least to me in German they are. Er ist zwar Russe, aber niemand Wichtiges. The second question was easier… both are perfectly fine. Water consists partly of Oxygen, partly of Hydrogen. Dabei schneiden wir uns manchmal leider schlimm die Füße. These are essential for expressing all but the simplest ideas, and crucial to understanding German sentences.